Past Projects
Responsibilities included:
-Grant Writing
-Assist with Grant Administration
-Field Survey
-Plans, Specifications & Engineer’s
-Right-of-Way Documents
-Construction Monitoring
-Tracking line item costs
-Processing pay requests
-Monitoring project quality
-Construction surveys
Description of Project: The Lenore Bridge Project was developed in response to operational deficiencies, safety concerns, and structural deficiencies of the Lenore Bridge. The overall project included construction of a new river crossing and a mitigation package to offset project impacts to the local environment.
Description of Project: Red Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant project consisted of preliminary design, final design and initial funding application for the Red Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3 miles of force main and lift station.
Responsibilities included:
-Collection, interpretation and report on project feasibility.
-Recommendations of concerned regulatory agencies.
-Social-economic and environmental research, & planning.
-Public information meeting
-Preparation of design plans, specifications, and bidding documents.
-Estimate of construction costs (Engineers Estimate).
-Preparation of permit applications..
-Laboratory and materials testing.
-Land surveys, establishments of boundaries and monuments.
-Field surveys, photogrammetry, and topographic.
-Preparation of applications for government grants.
-Easements; Right-of-Way and monumentation of plats.
-Construction inspection, staking, and contract administration
Description of Project: NECI assisted with preparation of Tiger Grant and Construction of 17 Mile Road. The project included reconstruction of 8.3 miles of 17 Mile Road (West Section), also known as Fremont County Road #334. The project included improvements to substandard horizontal roadway segment including horizontal curve realignment, grading, drainage improvements, and irrigation facility construction.
Responsibilities included:
-Grant Writing
-Quality Control
-Project Cost Tracking
-CFL ¼ Reporting
-Project Management
-Construction Surveys